Friday, February 27, 2009

Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps

I don't know how many people reading are aware that Missouri has a volunteer veterinary corp. Their mission is to help animal owners and officials in our communities protect the animals and public health in case of a disease outbreak or national disaster. The MVVC will be the first line of defense and response. Technicians and veterinarians will be activated quickly in their counties to serve as temporary federal personnel to help meet an emergency. Deployment during an emergency is strictly voluntary.

Two registered veterinary technicians at the Blue Springs Animal Hospital have volunteered as members of the MVVC and have been members now for over a year! They have completed the required emergency management training in the National Incident Management System and foreign animal and zoonotic diseases. They have also received their DuPont Biosecurity Kit
to use in the event of an animal emergency.

Emergencies may include outbreaks of exotic animal and poultry diseases or natural disasters as they affect animals, such as flood, fire or tornado (or hurricane in state's like New Orleans). Natural disasters are unpredictable and cannot be prevented and it is very unlikely that an outbreak of an exotic animal disease in Missouri can be prevented, so we must be prepared.

"The Corps" continues to grow as new volunteer veterinarians and technicians are added through out our state. We hope a disaster will not come our way but we are proud of our technicians that have volunteered to be called into duty if such an event were to take place! We have seen first hand their talents and we are confident they will be of much assistance!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I love the blog. What a great idea. Thanks for the info you've provided about the dentals - one of the MOST important aspects of dog/kitty care ever!

    My "furkids" get the GREATEST care at BSAH - just ask Sn'ckers, L'ssie Beth, L'llie Belle, or Ol'ver!

    Thanks for caring so much for my babies.

    Gerry Chrisman
