Monday, February 16, 2009

A glimpse of one procedure we offer...

We recently purchased new endoscopic equipment for our hospital. This allows our doctors a non-invasive way to see what is going on through out the digestive tract of our patients.

This photo is of Dr. Gina Bradley looking at the stomach of Drew. Drew is an 11 year old, neutered male cat that has been continuing to lose weight. (You can see a picture of his stomach on the monitor in this photo.) Drew is under anesthesia for his procedure, with his respiration, and blood pressure being monitored by our registered veterinary technicians. He is also getting intravenous fluids while he is under anesthesia, which is a choice we offer for most procedures or surgeries that require anesthesia.

Dr. Bradley collected samples of a few suspicious sites in the intestines for pathology and sent them off to the lab for results. The results came back as intestinal lymphoma. There is a treatment available for that disease. Drew was eating and fine by 4:00pm on the same day of his procedure and we all are hoping that he will continue to feel good and respond well to his treatment!

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