Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ali's wellness visit and our 1st Blog!

Ali inspects the fish while waiting his turn to see the vet.

This is Ali. He was not too happy to have a visit with the vet today. Most cat's don't like to leave their homes but it's very important to let a veterinarian have a look at least once yearly. We recommend twice yearly exams on all our patients, regardless of species, because of the quick aging process of animals.

Dr. Carey gave him a great check over and noticed that he is over-weight. 20.4# of cat is a bit large...but he is such a good boy! He did great for his blood sample and we obtained a urine sample by using the ultrasound to find his bladder and collected a sample with cystocentisis (getting urine with a needle and syringe). Ali never stop purring! He will need to have his teeth cleaned so we will schedule that right away. In a couple of days we will find out his blood & urine results since they were both sent out to the lab. (We run those in-house when results are needed "right now" but the lab can give us a larger profile so we prefer to send them out when possible). With Ali being overweight I guess I'll hold my breath & hope that he is not diabetic- after all, he is my cat! I have worked for the Blue Springs Animal Hospital for almost 16 years as a Registered Veterinary Technician. I really wanted to start a blog for our hospital so I (and hopefully other co-workers) can share some of the amazing, fun, and sometimes heartbreaking stories we encounter almost every day. I also answer many questions from pet owners on a daily basis so thought I might be able to post a few educational topics as well. My goal is to post something at least twice a week. I'll post Ali's "dentistry adventure" when the time comes so stay tuned!

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