Monday, June 01, 2009


Dieting is NO FUN! Take it from me, I've been yo-yo'ing with weight for many years now. If your a cat or dog it's even worse! As humans we can understand what is "bad" for us to eat and that we need to exercise more. We can communicate to our doctors that our backs hurt or our knees and that is why we are not as active as we need to be. Animals don't have that luxury. If we don't pick up on their needs they can go unmet.

Overweight dogs now have a friend on their side. Pfizer has come up with Slentrol, it the 1st FDA approved drug to manage obesity in dogs. It's a weight loss drug that helps them to drop pounds when combined with diet and exercise. To learn more ask one of our veterinarian's or go to the Slentrol website.

This handsome devil is Chancy,

a 4 year old cat that has been battling the bulge since 2005. Cat's can't take Slentrol but they can be put on a weight loss diet. It's important to get the weight off as being overweight can cause cats to be diabetic, have heart disease or become arthritic. Science Diet makes a formula called Prescription Diet® r/d® . He was put on a diet of 1/2 cup dry and 1/2 cup wet of the r/d® daily and has dropped 3.5 lbs. in 1 year! That is fabulous!! Prescription Diet® r/d® is low in calories, high in fiber and has the highest levels of L-carnitine to effectively reduce weight while increasing lean muscle mass to help cats feel full. Since it's hard to exercise cats it's very important to help them stay at a healthy weight by managing their diet. To learn more go to the Hill's website. We are proud of Chancy and his owners for sticking with his diet!!

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