Wednesday, December 09, 2009

2009 Snow Day!

Did you see all the commotion around here?
Christmas Decorations!
Schnauzer tree toppers! On top a gifted tree from one of our beloved clients & friends.
Our receptions extraordinaire made this beautiful arrangement for our Holiday decor.
Murphy is ready to model....she is happy she will be home for Christmas! Her story to come in a future blog so be watching!!
Linda gives kisses to Frankie who has been staying with us for several weeks.
Our tree for the troops. If you want to adopt a soldier please come by and take an ornament!
If you want to adopt a kitten (we couldn't get them to sit on a tree) please come by & pick yours out!!
They do pose anyway! TOO CUTE! I'm sure they are on some little person's Christmas list!

Here is another view of our cute little dog and cat tree that our client gave to us! We love it so much!
Snow days make it a little more difficult for us to collect urine specimens but we get the JOB done with a smile as usual! :)
Snow days mean the staff drag their dogs to work...which they all seem to love it here too!
And sometimes even our kids....which sometimes they love it and sometimes they don't! These little guys were the greatest hanging out with all us BSAH people!

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